respects the privacy of its customers' and uses its best effort to ensure the protection of their personal data and information, by complying with all applicable legislation relating to the protection of personal data.

For this purpose, we implement the following Privacy and Data Protection Policy (“Policy”), which sets out the main aspects in relation to which personal data we collect and process on our Website, for what purposes we collect and process such data, how we use such information, how you can change such information, your preferences for our communication with you as well as how we ensure the protection of such personal data and your rights relating to your personal data.
- We comply with the applicable legal provisions and the personal data we receive and/or collect from you, process, store or keep are processed according to the applicable legislation and exclusively for the purposes provided within this Policy .

It is important to mention that this Policy applies to you irrespective of the manner how you access our website, respectively it covers any device through which our Website is made accessed by you (via phone, tablet, PC etc.).

  1. Acceptance of the Privacy and Data Protection Policy

Before further action on our Website, we strongly recommend you to read this Policy carefully.


If you do not agree with this Policy and you do not want your personal data to be used as it is detailed herein, you should not continue to use our Website and not provide us with your personal data.


We underline that every time you use our Website, you are subject to our Policy and by further

accessing, browsing and otherwise using our Website,

  1. What Personal Data We Collect

    Personal data
    When you access or browse our Website, as well as when you make online purchases through our Website, when you subscribe to our e-bulletins and website which announce our services and campaigns, we will collect some of your personal data to serve you better, such as:

    - your name and family name

    - e-mail address, phone number,

    - billing details and delivery addresses,

    - your location.

Please note that, order for you to be able to create a personal account on our Website and to make any online purchase, it is mandatory for you to provide us with all the personal data mentioned above. If you do not agree to provide us such personal data, you will not be able to create your own personal account and/or to make purchases on our Website.

Technical and statistical data and information
We mention that, beside the personal data detailed above, we can collect information about your device, as well as other statistical and technical data and information, such as frequency and duration of your visit of the Website, times of ordering and IP address at the time of ordering, statistics about product pages visited and ordered products.

- These data are collected and used by us in order to analyze your visitor actions and preferences, to administer the website, for statistical purposes and for security reasons.

-The statistical and technical data provided by your browser and/or device can also be used for marketing and advertising purposes, with the mention that these data will not be connected with your personal data and will not be used to identify you.

Data and information regarding the payment (bank information and/or payment card details)
As part of the processing of any order, and depending on the payment method selected by you when placing your order, you will be requested to provide data regarding your bank account, information regarding your credit card, following for such data to be used both for performing any payments to us or for our refunds to you, as the case may be.
- We mention that in such case, you will offer your payment data directly to the payment processor and not to us and therefore, you will be subject to the privacy policy of the payment processor.

We recommend you read these terms and conditions before selecting this payment method. The credit card information used for placing your order shall never be kept or stored in our system.

  1. How We Use Collected Personal Data

Accordingly, we collect your personal data for the following purposes:
- To create a private account for you on Pharaonic website (e.g. your name, email),
- To process your orders through online services (e.g. your name, address)
- To send SMS notifications to inform you about deliveries (e.g. your cell phone number),

- To inform you about delivery problems relating to your ordered products (e.g. your phone number, street address),

- To respond to your queries and inform you about new or changed services (e.g. your e-mail address),

- To analyze your personal information so that we can provide you with marketing offers and information that fits your preferences (e.g. your e-mail address, shopping habits, other technical and statistical data),

Please note that, we do not and will not knowingly collect information from any unsupervised person under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, you must not use this website or submit any personal data to us.

Moreover, the personal data collected by the Website shall be used also for the following purposes:

- To process and complete ordering processes and to ensure communication with our customers, in order for us to fulfil our obligations deriving from any transaction concluded between our customers and us,

- To provide you with information about our products, services, campaigns, promotions and other notices and/or information,

- To gain a better understanding of our customers' shopping preferences and to further offer them a personalised experience on our website,

- To carry out trend and statistical analyses, including for marketing and other intern purposes of the company,

- To reinforce website security.

  1. How We Share Collected Personal Data

The personal data collected on the website may be shared with, disclosed to or processed by our personnel or partner companies that provide related services (such as companies providing cargo and delivery services, call centres, database services, advertising and marketing agencies etc.).

However, your personal data is in any case protected by the Company and we also make sure that such companies with which your personal data is shared to protect and ensure privacy of the same level for your personal data.

For what purpose and based on which legal ground do we use your personal data?

We use behavior analytics tool that helps us understand how users interact with our website. Supported features captures the user interactions on our website such as, how the page is rendering, user interactions such as mouse movements, clicks, scrolls, and so on. So we will be to make data-driven decisions on what works and what doesn't, understand confusing elements of our webpage, identify user behavior and add required content to our page, test and publish new ideas on our webpage, study user clicks and scrolling behavior, and provide better customer experience on our websites.

To target our advertising banners, more precisely to show you LC Waikiki advertising on Social Media platforms or on other websites you use.

We use for such purpose several digital marketing networks, ad exchanges and advertising technologies such as advertising cookies, web beacons, pixels, online identifiers, ad tags, including specific services offered by sites and Social Media, such as Facebook’s Custom Audience service.

  1. Security and Protection of Data

The Company respects the privacy of its customers' personal information and uses its best efforts using the latest technology to ensure the same.

All physical, electronic and managerial measures are adopted to ensure the security of our system. All data is stored and backed up in secure servers at home and abroad.

On pages where you provide your payment details on our website, you will notice that at the far right on the address line (depending on the browser you use) there appears the image of a lock or key and the first letters appearing on this address line change from http to https. If you see this, you can be sure that our website is on secure servers.

  1. The rights of our customers and visitors regarding their personal data

It is important for us to insure you all your rights in connection with your personal data, reason for which we would like to inform you that, according to the applicable, you have the following rights:

- The access right to the personal data: you have the right to obtain from us, at request and free of any charge (for a request per year) the confirmation that the personal data concerning you are or not collected and processed by us, together with all the other mandatory information provided by law. You can exercise this right by sending us a written and dated request, signed by you and by indicating if you would like to send you this information to a certain address or through a correspondence service.

- The right of intervention of the personal data: you have the right to obtain, at request and free of charge, the rectification, update, blocking or erasure of the personal data which do not comply with the legal requirements, specifically the incomplete or inaccurate personal data, as well as the conversion of such personal data in anonymous data. Any of these operations will also imply the notification of the third parties to whom your personal data have been disclosed of any of these operations. You can exercise this right by sending us a written and dated request, signed by you and by indicating if you would like to send you this information to a certain address or through a correspondence service.

- The right of opposition: you have the right to oppose, at any moment, based on grounded and legitimate reasons regarding your specific situation, any personal data concerning you to be object of any processing. In case your opposition is justified, we will no longer process such data. Also, you have the right to oppose in any moment, free of any charge and without any justification, that the personal data concerning you to be processed for marketing purposes directly or to be disclosed to a third party for this purpose hereof. You can exercise this right by sending us a written and dated request, signed by you and by indicating if you would like to send you this information to a certain address or through a correspondence service.

- The right to not be submitted to an individual decision: you have the right to request and to obtain the withdrawal or cancellation of any decision that produces legal for you, decision adopted exclusively based on a processing of the personal data performed through automatic means, with the purpose to evaluate some aspects of your personality or the re-evaluation of such decision.

- The right to address to the justice: without any limitation of the right to address a complaint to the supervisory authority, you have the right to address to the justice for the defence of any rights guaranteed by law that have been violated.

- The right to erasure (”right to be forgotten”): you have the right to request, at any moment, free of charge, the erasure of your personal data if such the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed and in any other cases provided by the applicable legislation.

  1. Newsletters, messages and alerts. Opting out of e-Bulletin Subscription

We offer you the right to control whether or not to receive during your whole experience on our Website.

In this respect, please be informed that, for the purposes of direct marketing, since we initially collect your personal data in the context of the sale of our products through our Website, we require your consent to further use your personal data, as offered by you, for our commercial purposes.

However, you can always revoke your consent for the personal information used for marketing purposes (e.g. Sending news bulletins or sending offers to your e-mail address), including when we initially collect your personal data or on each of the occasions you receive one of our messages and unsolicited communication.

You can get in touch with us using the following contact details:

Telephone 01015625250 – 01125011078
